ISO Certificate for Tender

ISO Certificate for Tender is a very common phrase to the trading and supplying company. Many suppliers look for certificate only for attending in tender. Many government Organizations are adding terms in the tender that the suppliers must have the QMS or quality management system certificate.

Usually the suppliers need 9001 certificate for submitting tender. The 9001 standard is the very common and most used ISO standard around the world. Any kind of organization and any sizes organization can adopt this standard.

Why it is required?

9001 Standard is the standard where all kinds of information for trading and supplying are available. It ensures tenderer that if any supply company follows the ISO 9001 guidelines then it will be easier for him to supply the product or services mention in the tender.

Understanding the tender’s requirements: It is the first job of supplying company to understand the requirements of the products or services. ISO 9001 guides a company how to meet the customer requirements. To meet this requirements what things should be considered and followed are explained in this standard.

On-time Delivery: An ISO 9001 Certified company is more serious about delivering the product or services to the tenderer on time. For ontime delivery what things should be followed are explained in this standard.

Quality of Products/Services: It is one of the important guidelines form the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. If you do not maintain quality which you are going to supply to the agency, it will not be accepted by your client. ISO 9001 standard shows you how to maintain quality before supply the product.

Documents Control: It is one of the major good things from ISO 9001 latest standard. You can learn how to control your files. How to manage your documents by easy way , how to keep your records, all these things are described in this standard.

Like above many more guidelines are found from this standard 9001. So, the 9001 standard is going to be more popular around the world specially to the government agencies. Government organization can believe that if any organization follow the ISO guidelines then probability of successful delivery of product or services is more higher than non ISO certified  vendors or suppliers.

Most of the suppliers do not like to spend money to get ISO 9001 Certificate because it is a matter of cost. Several thousands of dollars are required to get certificate. For implementing ISO 9001 requirements another cost is iso consultancy and ISO documentation. This makes another burden to the small and medium size organizations.

Considering the above issues the Geneva based organization ISO has revised the standard in 2015 to reduce documentation complexity. Though  documentation burden is reduced but some documents are still required. You can prepare those documents by yourself or by taking help from ISO auditor.

To help the SME organization some CB provides help to get certified easily without spending high money. Among others Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) is in the top position where you can get support to prepare your ISO documents by yourself or by hiring an ISO Consultant by spending a minimum amount. To access this ISO Company you may contact AAS here.