ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 Certification

iso 9001 certificaiton

ISO 9001 certification in garments

ISO 9001 Certification post will help you to get ISO 9001 Certificate in Bangladesh. 9001 is the most popular standard to the supplier, manufacturer, service provider and buyer. From office management to production management all guidelines are found in this standard. That’s why it is so popular iso standard around the world.


What does it mean ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 Certification means you are going to adopt international quality standard in your management. It can be applied in all section of your management like HR, Admin, Sales, Marketing, Store, Production etc. If you have already  your own standard in your management then you can adopt iso 9001 to find the gaps between you and iso 9001 requirement.

Why 9001 is so popular?

There are more than around 19500 standards from Geneva based nonprofit organization ISO. Among them ISO9001 is the most popular. Because it shows the guidelines for all departments or all processes of your organization. No other standards do that. Due it’s diversity around 1.5 million companies are ISO 9001 Certified in the world.

How to get iso 9001 certification?

Getting ISO 9001 certification is not difficult nowadays. Because 2015 version is much more easier than previous versions.  Price, accreditation, training, certificate issuing country, documentation, time to get certificates, certificate’s validity, online authenticity etc should be considered before selecting your ISO 9001 registrar. To see the procedure of registration to ISO 9001  you may visit this link.


What is the cost of ISO 9001 Certification?

It is difficult to say directly the cost of certification to ISO 9001. Because few factors are connected with 9001 registration. Like company activities, certification scope, number of sites, number of employees, geographical location etc. However to get rough idea you may visit this iso post.

Why companies like Advanced Assessment Services for ISO 9001 Certification?

Within eight years Advanced Assessment Services(AAS) has certified more than 200 companies including Grameen Communications, Telephone Shilpa Sangstha(Govt Own Organization), Alliance Properties, CDBL, Uttra Bank Ltd, etc are certified from AAS considering the following parameters:

  • Low cost
  • Easy process
  • Free training
  • Accredited certificate
  • Certificates are issued direct in the UK
  • Processing time is the shortest

To contact with AAS you may visit this contact page



ISO 9001 is known as quality management System standard. It is most popular ISO standard around the world. Let’s know about this standard in details:

What is iso9001?

ISO9001 is a quality standard. It ensures about the quality of your company’s management. How can you manage your company in better way that guidelines are found in this standard.

Who Needs iso9001?

Any kinds, any size and any type of company can adopt iso 9001 certificate.

Why Needs ISO9001 Certificate?

If any company wants to demonstrate that it provides quality products or services consistently  abiding by legal issues(domestic and international) and who wants to increase customer satisfaction for his products/services that company needs ISO9001 Certificate.

What is the Requirements of ISO 9001 Certification?

Documents(quality policy, quality objectives, work flow chart,work Instruction, working procedure, monitoring System,  customer feedback etc), valid trade license, legal  issues related with government, training on iso9001 standard, internal audit, management review meeting etc are requirements before and after ISO9001 Certification.

What is the cost for 9001 Certification?

Cost actually varies on different issues like company’s activities, number of employees, company’s location, number of sites, auditor’s availability etc. For average idea it can be said that the cost is around 2K-5K US dollars.

How to Get ISO 9001 Certificate?

Contact with accredited certification body. There are some foreign accredited Certification Bodies(CB) in Bangladesh. Most of them are from UK, USA, Australia and Some other European countries. If you want to get certificate from UK based CB then visit this page.

Why ISO 9001 is So Popular?

ISO9001 is the only standard which can help to develop your all departments like HR, Admin, Sales, Accounts, Purchase, Design and Development, Production, Customer Care etc. In a word it is a standard which can be used to all the processes of your company. No other ISO Standard is like this standard.

How Long to Get ISO 9001 Certificate?

It depends on company’s willing. How does it will implement ISO 9001 requirements in its system. However, within in a two months all 9001 requirements many be applied in the different department of a company. After implementation a company can apply to achieve iso9001 certificate.

Why it is requirement for buyers?

Buyers believe if a company adopt the ISO standard iso9001 in his organization then minimum quality works are practiced inside the organization. So it is not necessary to  perform audit before making an purchase order.

Why it is requirement for tender?

Government want quality works against any purchase order. Only iso9001 certified company can present the quality works. So, the government is now adding a term in the tender that iso 9001 certification is the pre qualification to participate in the  tender.


ISO9001 History

ISO9001 History with Idea about ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003 Standards;

ISO 9000:1987 is the first Quality Management System Standard from ISO. Probably many of you are waiting eagerly that when Iso 9002 or 9003 standard will be published from ISO? The answer is that it will never be published. Why? The answer is as following:

From British standard BS 5750 the ISO Standard 9001 has come. When the iso9001 was the first quality management system standard came in 1987, then three other standards like 9001, 9002 and 9003 were also published. In a word we can say all these four standards were published simultaneously in 1987. But all these standards had some restriction. Individually none of those standards was not completed standard. There was some deficit of requirements of all of those QMS standards.

9k is a group of series. Based on 9001 other auxiliary standards like 9002,9003 etc have been published. But certificate is issued only on ISO 9001. Other series are not for certification. Those series are helpful to understand 9001.

iso9001 was  published in 1987 as a first quality management system standard from 9k series. One of the major deficiencies was creation of new product or design and development of new product was not included in the first version of ISO 9001 Standard. Process control, purchasing raw materials, servicing etc was also not present in the first version of standard 9001. But it uses inspection and testing to ensure that final products and services meet specified requirements.

Due to some lack of requirements it was revised in 1994. Some necessary things and changes were included in this revision. But it could not include all necessary requirements. So it was revised again in 2000. In this revision it was named as a 9001:2000 Standard. PDCA cycle has been emphasized in this version of qms standard 9001:2000. Some important requirements, important approaches, some flexibility etc have been added in this new version of ISO 9001. Details can be found from this link

Again in 2008 the 9001 standard was revised and it was published as ISO 9001:2008. Outsourced processed has been described more clearly in the 2008 version. The old version 2000 has described that outsourced process must be controlled. But in 2008 version it specifies the type, nature and extend of control.

ISO 9001 2008 version has expanded the idea about documentation to include all qms process records which was not in previous version. Relevant external documents can be controlled which are related to qms not all of them.

In 9001 2000 version says anybody can be a MR but in 2008 version it said MR must be a part of top management.

Competence of staffs was not emphasized in old version of iso 9001 but in new version of ISO 9001 has qms task must be carried out by competent staffs of the organization.

Information system was not included in 2000 version but in 2008 version that was included in the infrastructure section of clause no 6.

Work environment has explained more clearly in the new version which was not present in details in previous versions to meet product requirements

In new version post delivery idea has explained clearly. It mentioned about warranty, maintenance and recycling policy of the product should be cleared in post delivery requirements.

Design and Development record should be completed into three stages: Review, verification and validation has should be carried out and recorded properly.

Preservation processes were not mentioned in old version of 2008 along with purchase, production and service section. But it was included in new section of ISO 9001

New version has told about control, monitoring and measuring equipment but before it was device in 2000 version.

Internal audit report and result must be recorded according to the iso 9001 2008 standard but in 2000 version of 9001 it was not must.

Product release record must be kept according to the ISO 9001 2008 version.

In September 2015 version of iso9001 has been published. Some good things have been included in this revision. Context of the organization, risk and opportunity should be assessed in this new version. See more about iso 9001:2015