ISO 9001 Meaning

ISO 9001 Certification Meaning.

What does it mean ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 Certification meaning post will help you to know what is iso 9001  Certification and how to achieve this quality management system standard?

What is ISO 9001 Meaning?

ISO 9001 is a standard published by Geneva based international forum ISO. It is known as Quality Management Systems (QMS) standard. It is the most widely used QMS standard in the world, with over 1.5 million certificates issued to organizations in 178 countries. Not only the 9001 standard rather all the standards from ISO are defined by number not name. Like environmental management system standard is defined as ISO 14001.

ISO 9001 provides a framework which is helpful to develop the management system of any organization. It consistently satisfies customers and other stakeholders of any organization. It ensures quality of products and services to its customers.

The key to any successful business is strong quality control. ISO 9001 is a process based standard. During production and operating of any service it tells to check the product or service quality at specific time interval at various stages. That way it ensures the quality of product and service.

The company who adopts more than one management system standard is now much more easier comparing the previous time to integrate those. The qms standard ISO 9001:2015 follows the common structure provided by Annex SL. Specially ISO 14001, 45001 and ISO 27001 Standard to integrate with ISO 9001 management system.


1.Customer satisfaction
2.Reduced operating costs
3.Improve stakeholders relationship
4.Legal compliance
5.Improve risk management
6.Proven business credentials
7.Ability to win more business


The Annex SL structure provides a common content between ISO management systems certifications including environmental management, health safety management system, food safety management and information management system.

The latest version of iso 9001 focuses on risk identification and areas of concern in advance where a company can take measures to prevent that.

The leadership requirement engages top-level management and brings quality assurance more in line with overall business objectives.

Performance evaluation is another important principle of ISO 9001 Certification. After certification it enforces to check the performance and effectiveness of qms. It brings benefits for all the stakeholders of a company.

Is ISO 9001 certification Need for me?

ISO 9001 is built with several principles are mentioned in below. If you think you can focus on those principles then it will bring benefit for you.
Engagement of people
Customer focus
Process approach
Evidence-based decision making
Relationship management




ISO 9001 is known as quality management System standard. It is most popular ISO standard around the world. Let’s know about this standard in details:

What is iso9001?

ISO9001 is a quality standard. It ensures about the quality of your company’s management. How can you manage your company in better way that guidelines are found in this standard.

Who Needs iso9001?

Any kinds, any size and any type of company can adopt iso 9001 certificate.

Why Needs ISO9001 Certificate?

If any company wants to demonstrate that it provides quality products or services consistently  abiding by legal issues(domestic and international) and who wants to increase customer satisfaction for his products/services that company needs ISO9001 Certificate.

What is the Requirements of ISO 9001 Certification?

Documents(quality policy, quality objectives, work flow chart,work Instruction, working procedure, monitoring System,  customer feedback etc), valid trade license, legal  issues related with government, training on iso9001 standard, internal audit, management review meeting etc are requirements before and after ISO9001 Certification.

What is the cost for 9001 Certification?

Cost actually varies on different issues like company’s activities, number of employees, company’s location, number of sites, auditor’s availability etc. For average idea it can be said that the cost is around 2K-5K US dollars.

How to Get ISO 9001 Certificate?

Contact with accredited certification body. There are some foreign accredited Certification Bodies(CB) in Bangladesh. Most of them are from UK, USA, Australia and Some other European countries. If you want to get certificate from UK based CB then visit this page.

Why ISO 9001 is So Popular?

ISO9001 is the only standard which can help to develop your all departments like HR, Admin, Sales, Accounts, Purchase, Design and Development, Production, Customer Care etc. In a word it is a standard which can be used to all the processes of your company. No other ISO Standard is like this standard.

How Long to Get ISO 9001 Certificate?

It depends on company’s willing. How does it will implement ISO 9001 requirements in its system. However, within in a two months all 9001 requirements many be applied in the different department of a company. After implementation a company can apply to achieve iso9001 certificate.

Why it is requirement for buyers?

Buyers believe if a company adopt the ISO standard iso9001 in his organization then minimum quality works are practiced inside the organization. So it is not necessary to  perform audit before making an purchase order.

Why it is requirement for tender?

Government want quality works against any purchase order. Only iso9001 certified company can present the quality works. So, the government is now adding a term in the tender that iso 9001 certification is the pre qualification to participate in the  tender.

Why ISO 9001:2015

Why ISO 9001:2015 Standard?

Get ISO 9001:2015 post will help you to get ISO 9001 latest version of quality management system certificate in Bangladesh. 25th September, 2015 Geneva based voluntary organization ISO has published the most popular standard ISO 9001:2015.

Each standard is reviewed each five years and republished after each 7 or 8 years interval. ISO 9001:2015 is the result of that. Worldwide more than 1.1 million companies adopted ISO 9001 Standard. It is the most popular standard among other ISO standards.

get iso 9001:2015

mobile accessory assembling factory

Why you should convert your current version into 2015 version?

There are some good characteristics of this new version of quality management system standard. Acting ISO Secretary-General Kevin McKinley explains: “ISO 9001 allows organizations to adapt to a changing world. It enhances an organization’s ability to satisfy its customers and provides a coherent foundation for growth and sustained success.”

The world is changing rapidly.  To keep pace with this changing ISO Standards are also changing. There are few changes which were very desired by the company owners. That ‘s why it is very favor to the company owners.  Some changes are as like as below:

  1. Adding High Level Structure(HLS)
  2. No documentation hassle
  3. No specific person is responsible only (MR) to implement ISO 9001
  4. Emphasis on top management’s participation to implement ISO 9001
  5. Focusing on PDCA Cycle.
  6. Focusing on increasing customer confidence
  7. Risk based thinking is also focused on this updated version of  ISO 9001

Nigel Croft (ISO Sub-committee Chair person) said: “We have now gone a step further, and ISO 9001:2015 is even less prescriptive than its predecessor, focusing instead on performance. We have achieved this by combining the process approach with risk-based thinking, and employing the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at all levels in the organization”

Why you should adapt the latest version instead of 9001:2008?

From the above discussion it is cleared that it is less prescriptive means you need less documentation than previous version. So, easily you can prepare ISO 9001 documents by your self or by spending less money. Many organizations are implementing more than one management system standards. So, including HLS in this latest version of iso 9001 is very helpful for them who wants to implement more than one standard.

Who Provides ISO 9001:2015 in Bangladesh?

We are the first certification body agent in Bangladesh who are providing ISO 9001:2015 version. To contact with us you may visit AAS office. To read more about ISO 9001:2015 version you may visit ISO site at here