What is Quality Management System?

What is Quality Management System in ISO

What is quality mangement system in ISO standard? Usually the quality management system in ISO means iso 9001 standard. According to the ISO 9001 standard there are some guidelines to develop management system.

The first document is quality policy. It is a very short and one paged document. Company’s all staffs will be focused on this document. This is a declaration from the the top management. All department and all staffs should understand this policy clearly.

The second one is quality objectives. It should be set based on company’s activities. If a company is small then the objectives may be small if the company is big then department wise quality objectives can be set. To achieve quality objectives there should have some planning to achieve the quality objectives.

Will be continued on next post

How to get benefit from ISO 9001

How to get benefits from quality management system standard 9001

Benefits of ISO 9001 Standard is lot. But due to lack of knowledge on implementation process many organizations are staying back from getting benefits of ISO 9001:2015. There is many development scope of this standard just few of them described in below:

Job Description: It is one of the most important documents among others for employees. But many organizations do not maintain it. Though some organizations tell it to the employees during appontment time but later most companies do not share the copy of JD. Not only sharing but it should be reviewed time to time for extra responsibility for the staff. if you can prepare an excellent JD then unnecessay situation can be mitigated between the top management and staffs.

Internal Audit: It is one of the most important job for ISO Certification and ISO certified clients to do Internal Audit(I.A). But many organizations do not do it properly. If it is done properly then the company will be benefited from ISO 9001 Standard.

MRM(Management Review Meeting): It is also mandatory requirement for ISO Certification and certified companies to perform MRM after IA. But many organiztions do not do it properly.

NCR(Non Conforming Record): Many organizations do not maintain this important record properly. This record can help an organization to make new plans for business development.

CA(Corrective Action ) Plan:To achieve continual development CA plan is very effective tool for ISO Certified company. But many organizations do not take it properly. So, they are facing same problem again and again.

There are many other options in the Standard of ISO 9001:2015 which can help an organization to develop the processes of an organization.

AAS has well known and experienced ISO 9001 Consultants who are providing implementation guidelines of ISO 9001 to the organizations and the companies are getting benefits from ISO 9001. There is no alternative to hire an ISO Consultant to get good results and good benefits of ISO 9001. To get a good ISO Consultant you may call at 01742125232

Quality Management System

Quality Management System

quality management system standard

quality management system

Quality Management System is also known as ISO 9001 Standard. This post will help you to know about quality management system or qms system. In many places sometimes it is written in the tender notice about quality management system certificate.

If you are a new about the phrase qms standard, then it may appear difficult to you. After reading this  post it will be helpful for you about the concept of the quality management system standard.

In the language of ISO the quality management system standard is known as ISO 9001 Standard. It is also known as the king of other standard. It is also known as basic standard. frame-work of quality idea is found from this standard.

Most of the buyers now give requirement for many suppliers and exporters to have an ISO 9001 Standard. without this standard you cannot work with those buyers. Why it is so important? Why the buyers and importers say his suppliers to having  an qms certificate?

Quality management system standard is a standard which can be implemented in any kind of organization. So, it is most discussed and popular standard. Among others it is used by various types of organization including quality management system for construction, pharmaceutical quality management system, quality standard for school, college & university.

Until now ISO has disclosed more than 19600 standards. Among them more than 1.2 million organizations have been using this ISO 9001 quality management system standard around the world. Gradually this number is increasing.

There are many good guidelines in this most popular ISO standard. Setting your business policy, documents control, train your staffs for creating competency and awareness, providing resource for smoothly running your system, Inhouse production checking system, faulty product determination guideline and steps to removing  those causes of rejection are among few good things about qms standard.

For successful consistency in the business it is an important task for you as a company owner or company chief monitoring the activities of your company. In this regard your participation is very much important as a company head.  ISO9001 has excellent tool to see the growth of your firm. So, Internal audit and managment review meetings are two mandatory things for and before qms certification.

Benefits of implementation of quality management system are a lot. You can see some benefits of quality managment system from below:

Benefits of quality Management Systems:

  • It saves cost in production/services
  • Better internal management
  • Less wastage in production
  • Increase efficiency, productivity and profit
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Consistent outcomes, measured and monitored
  • Increases revenue
  • Increases staff’s honesty and skill
  • qms helps to participate in tender
  • Helps to extend international market
  • It urges for continual development

You can read more about benefits of iso9001


ISO9001 History

ISO9001 History with Idea about ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003 Standards;

ISO 9000:1987 is the first Quality Management System Standard from ISO. Probably many of you are waiting eagerly that when Iso 9002 or 9003 standard will be published from ISO? The answer is that it will never be published. Why? The answer is as following:

From British standard BS 5750 the ISO Standard 9001 has come. When the iso9001 was the first quality management system standard came in 1987, then three other standards like 9001, 9002 and 9003 were also published. In a word we can say all these four standards were published simultaneously in 1987. But all these standards had some restriction. Individually none of those standards was not completed standard. There was some deficit of requirements of all of those QMS standards.

9k is a group of series. Based on 9001 other auxiliary standards like 9002,9003 etc have been published. But certificate is issued only on ISO 9001. Other series are not for certification. Those series are helpful to understand 9001.

iso9001 was  published in 1987 as a first quality management system standard from 9k series. One of the major deficiencies was creation of new product or design and development of new product was not included in the first version of ISO 9001 Standard. Process control, purchasing raw materials, servicing etc was also not present in the first version of standard 9001. But it uses inspection and testing to ensure that final products and services meet specified requirements.

Due to some lack of requirements it was revised in 1994. Some necessary things and changes were included in this revision. But it could not include all necessary requirements. So it was revised again in 2000. In this revision it was named as a 9001:2000 Standard. PDCA cycle has been emphasized in this version of qms standard 9001:2000. Some important requirements, important approaches, some flexibility etc have been added in this new version of ISO 9001. Details can be found from this link http://www.praxiom.com/iso90012000v1994.htm

Again in 2008 the 9001 standard was revised and it was published as ISO 9001:2008. Outsourced processed has been described more clearly in the 2008 version. The old version 2000 has described that outsourced process must be controlled. But in 2008 version it specifies the type, nature and extend of control.

ISO 9001 2008 version has expanded the idea about documentation to include all qms process records which was not in previous version. Relevant external documents can be controlled which are related to qms not all of them.

In 9001 2000 version says anybody can be a MR but in 2008 version it said MR must be a part of top management.

Competence of staffs was not emphasized in old version of iso 9001 but in new version of ISO 9001 has qms task must be carried out by competent staffs of the organization.

Information system was not included in 2000 version but in 2008 version that was included in the infrastructure section of clause no 6.

Work environment has explained more clearly in the new version which was not present in details in previous versions to meet product requirements

In new version post delivery idea has explained clearly. It mentioned about warranty, maintenance and recycling policy of the product should be cleared in post delivery requirements.

Design and Development record should be completed into three stages: Review, verification and validation has should be carried out and recorded properly.

Preservation processes were not mentioned in old version of 2008 along with purchase, production and service section. But it was included in new section of ISO 9001

New version has told about control, monitoring and measuring equipment but before it was device in 2000 version.

Internal audit report and result must be recorded according to the iso 9001 2008 standard but in 2000 version of 9001 it was not must.

Product release record must be kept according to the ISO 9001 2008 version.

In September 2015 version of iso9001 has been published. Some good things have been included in this revision. Context of the organization, risk and opportunity should be assessed in this new version. See more about iso 9001:2015