How to Get ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh

How to get ISO 9001 certification in Bangladesh post will help you to know the certification steps in Bangladesh. Following five steps are followed to get ISO 9001 Certification:

ISO 9001 Certification Body Selection: Certification body(CB) is the company who provides iso certificate after audit. From Google or yahoo search engine you can find any certification body in Bangladesh.

ISO 9001 Certification Cost: Different Different Certification Body takes different certification fees. Based on your activities, process, location, employee number, ISO documentation status the certification cost varies. So, discuss and negotiate the cost with your CB first before make any contract.

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ISO 9001 Documentation: It is mandatory part for ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION IN BANGLADESH. Many Certification Bodies provide training and during training session they say what are the required documents for ISO 9001 certification in Bangladesh. These documents can be prepared by yourself or by hiring a consultant.

Perform Internal Audit: Internal audit is mandatory before ISO 9001 certification in Bangladesh and after iso qms certification. It is done by the client. During training session you can learn how to do Internal audit. So, you can do it by yourself. If you think you have no enough staff then you hire an ISO 9001 consultant.

Stage1 and Stage2 Audit: It is the last stage of certification process. When the above 4 things are done then this stage1 and stage2 audits are performed by ISO 9001 certification body(CB). After completion this stage you can achieve ISO 9001 certification in Bangladesh within 7-10 days.


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How To ISO Certification

how to iso certification

Mr. Halim is auditing a fan company

How to ISO Certification post will help you to select right ISO Certification Body and get certified in the proper way.

How to select certification Body? Before going to get certified you should consider the following things:

  • Cost
  • Services
  • Certificate Issuing Country
  • Time
  • Documentation
  • Training
  • Skilled Auditor

The above 7 things are very important and you should consider those points before selecting any Certification Body(CB). The main motto of ISO Certification is system development. If you can develop your system properly then profit will be increased definitely.

Cost is one of the the major issues for companies in Bangladesh for ISO Certification. You need instant and good customer service. Certificate issuing country has good impression for buyers. So, you should consider top country like UK. UK certificate has different and high value among other countries.

Time is the another factor. Some certification Body are flexible. They issue certificates according to customer’s request. Some take short time and some take long time. You should choose someone who take not too short or not  too long. However, it also depends on yourself. Your documentation, training, implementation and internal audit. If you can do those four things earlier then it will easier for you to get certified early.

How to ISO Certification is depends on Documentation, training and Internal audits. These  are the  three mandatory things before ISO certification. This three things are very much required for implementation for ISO Certification. If you want to get good result from ISO Certification then it is your first job to ask your CB how can you get these services?

Skilled Auditor: ISO auditor is the main resource to finding your gaps inside your system. So, before making audit schedule ask your CB to provide any expert ISO auditor who has long time auditing experiences in different organizations. His experience can add extra value in your system. Because an ISO auditor not only finds your fault , he can show you some Opportunity of Improvement(OFI) from his auditing experiences.

Now it should be your asking how and where from you can get those services? The answer is very frustrated. Because no ISO company or CB provides those all services. To remove your frustration AAS can be your trusted Partner who can provide all those services. Within six years AAS has more than 200 ISO certified satisfied clients in Bangladesh because of availability of all services from a single place.

AAS may be your favorite CB. Because the price is guaranteed lowest, certificate comes from direct UK, provide training, also free training for small companies, takes short time for certification,  A qualified ISO auditors panel who have been working from the beginning of journey of ISO in Bangladesh.

You will never find important and secret information for ISO Certification from any Certification body in Bangladesh. But Advanced Assessment Services (AAS) has free resource page where you can know many basic things about ISO. Like how to ISO Certification, What is internal audit, What is AB, What is iso cost? What is CB, what are  ISO Basic etc. To get any iso information like how to ISO Certification simply type your question in search box of blog page  and type your question, you will get your answer from that page.

Finally do not forget to post your comment about this post How to ISO Certification.

How Can I Get ISO Certificate

How can I get ISO Certificate?

This is very common question to many prospects. First of all you should select ISO Standard. There are many ISO standards. You can select one from this post about common ISO standards.  Next follow the following process to get your answer how can i get ISO Certificate:

  • Select ISO Certification Body: After selecting standard selecting Certification Body is your second job to get certificate. Certification Body will tell you what you should do to proceed on certification process. Here is a tip to select your certification body. Some certification bodies(CB) are accredited and some are non-accredited. So, talk first with your CB about accreditation.
  • Prepare ISO Documents: This is your third job to get ISO Certificate. In 2015 version less iso documents are required comparing with any previous version of ISO Standard. You can do it by yourself after taking training from your CB or you can hire an ISO Consultant to do that. Documents are simply official instruction to run your organization. Many company have necessary documents. However, for ISO Certification some special docs are necessary like quality policy, quality objectives, customer feedback etc.

    quality audit in garment

    iso audit in a garment

  • Implement your documents: After completion of your documents it is necessary to do work according to your official instruction. Suppose for purchasing raw materials the purchase department must follow the purchase policy or guideline which is passed by top management. Selecting quality supplier,  collecting quotation, do first party audit for checking material’s quality, issue work order and verify incoming material’s quality etc are the common practice for purchase department. If you follow these step by step process and keep record to purchase raw materials then it can be said you have implemented ISO requirements in your purchase department.
  • Do Internal Audit: When all the departments are documented and implemented ISO guideline then the forth job is do Internal audit. To do this job you need internal auditor training. You can also do internal audit by hiring a free lancer auditor or by an ISO Consultant.
  • Managment Review Meeting(MRM): This is the 6th stage of  getting ISO Certification . After completion Internal audit it is also mandatory to do MRM. From your end it is your last job.
  • Stage1 and Stage2 Audit: This is the job of your certification body. Before issuing certificate your CB will do Stage1 and Stage2 audit. If there is no NC then CB will issue ISO Certificate for you. If there is NC your CB will ask you to close the NC Before issuing ISO Certificate.

I think the above post will help you to get answer how can i get iso certificate?

Before ISO Certification you need to prepare ISO Documents or you can buy those iso files from online store by pushing below button

Get ISO Certificate

Get ISO Certificate

Get ISO Certificate post will show you how to get iso certificate in Bangladesh.

Select Certification Body, Prepare iso documents, implement standard requirements and participate in the audits are few steps to get iso certificate.

steps to get iso certificate

ISO Certification getting way

Select Certification  Body:

It is one of the first jobs to get certificate. There are few certification bodies who provide Accredited certificate. So, you will have to find one who provide accredited certificate and take small amount of money.

Prepare ISO Documents:

It is one of the must do things for certification. If you think you have knowledge about ISO standard then you can make it those documents by yourself. Otherwise you can hire an ISO Consultant to prepare your ISO documents.

Implement ISO Requirements:

This is the fruitful part of ISO Certification. If you want to see the benefits of ISO then you will have to practice those things throughout the organization. Without implementation of iso requirements you cannot obtain ISO Certificate.

Participate in Audit:

This is the last part of getting certificate. When you are on the way of implementation then ISO Auditor will come to see what are you doing in practically inside your organization. If he satisfied he will prepare good audit report which is helpful to get iso certificate.