What is ISO 14001 Certification

What is iso 14001 Certification post is a informative post for them who are interested to know about the basic of the ISO 14001 Standard. IT  is also known as Environmental Management System Standard or EMS Standard. It is one of the most important standards to protect our environment living friendly. Air pollution, water  pollution, soil pollution and sound pollution are the major concerns around the world. In this regard ISO 14001 Standard can be a good guideline to minimize the pollution level of those environmental aspects.

Who needs this EMS standard?

Various kinds of industries like chemical, leather, textiles, pharmaceuticals, dyeing, plastic, steel, electric substation maker which have significant effect of environmental aspects like air, water, soil etc can adopt this standard. This standard will guide those companies to reduce the impact on environmental aspects.

Now air pollution is one of the major problems caused by unplanned industrialization and most of them have conducted by developed countries. Now due to air pollution many killer diseases including asthma, heart diseases, bronchitis, brain diseases, cancer are killing huge number of people throughout the world.

If ISO 14001 Standard is implemented properly in the harmful industries this air pollution can be reduced significantly. Recent article about air pollution in Honkong is reminding us how important  to implement this Environmental standard in industries to save our earth.

As an ISO auditor my suggestion is that government from each country should pass law in their national assembly to adopt this ems standard in all kinds of industries specially which have bad effect on environment. In this regard importers and international organization can impose condition on manufacturers or exporters to implement ISO Standard for saving our environment for our future generation.

What are here in this 14001 standard?

There are four major clauses in the standard. Technical all guidelines can be found from the clause 4. According to  the clause 4 you will have to set some procedures to finding aspects and controlling method of impact creating from your industry. How and who will does what everything will be written in those procedures.

According to the standard you will determine what the impact status on environment and after knowing that you will have to set target to reduce the impact causing by your industry.

Power consumption can also be controlled from this standard. Using generator is the major concern in power shortening countries like Bangladesh. Workers and environment both are affected from this electric generation machine. Implementing ISO 14001 requirements can help to control this very noisy equipment in your industry means you are trying to reduce the affect of generator both for men and environment.

Waste management which is very important to keep our environment clean and healthy. From this 14001 standard you can learn how to manage your industrial wastes efficiently.

Sulfurdioxide, nitrus oxide, carbondioxide etc are toxic gas which are main causes of raising temperature of the environment. When you will be ISO 14001 Certified company you will have to control those gases created from your industry.

How to get this standard 14001?

If you think your industry is affecting the environment then you can contact any certification body who provides iso 14001 certificate. AAS is the low cost and UK based certification body agent in Bangladesh. Any kind of industry who is interested to take EMS Certification in Bangladesh can contact to to get ISO 14001 Certification in Bangladesh.  To read more including benefits of ISO 14001 Certification you can visit the another post ems certification in bangladesh