iso certification for universityISO Certification for university post will help you to know how an ISO standard i.e 9001 Standard can help you to develop your management system throughout the university.

Before going to know the benefits of the standard you should know about the standard 9001 a little bit. ISO 9001 Standard is a standard like other standards published by ISO head office in Geneva. It is most popular and widely used standard among others. The main cause of so popularity of this standard is its applicability. Only this is the standard which is applicable to any size, and any kind of organization.

By adopting this 9001:2015 standard you can get guidelines to control all of the processes or departments inside your institution. No other standard has so extensive radius of applicability like this qms standard. In the university you can control your teaching method for the teachers and guidelines for students also. You can evaluate both the teachers teaching quality  and students learning capability.

How teachers are teaching the students. What the students are saying about your teachers. All guidelines can be get from this standard.

Customer’s satisfaction is one of the major principles of ISO 9001 Standard. As a university authority your customers are students. So, how much your Students are satisfied on your teaching method and on your management system and how they are doing in exam that should be your focus point in your teaching policy.

ISO 9001:2015 will guide you how can you measure the students’ satisfaction and how can you develop your management system. Not only that, for maintaining quality management system in your institute you should know what your interested parties are saying about your existing management system.

Now come to your office management. How your management is running. Is there any problem inside your management. How they are behaving with the students. Are they doing their jobs properly? All these things should be monitored according to ISO Quality standard guidelines.

Documents and record keeping are the major and important task of a university. How can you control your documents and records according to the international standard that guidelines are also found from this standard.

Continual development is another major principles of ISO 9001 Standard. How students are doing in their exam or in semister exam? How can you help them to do better in next exam and how can you  develop their learning power that things should be practiced if you adopt this standard.

There are so many private universities in Bangladesh. You will have to analyze various data about your present status comparing with other universities. How can you overcome your competitors, How can you increase your ranking status, How your teachers and management staffs can help you to achieve  that goal that are guided in this standard.

In various way ISO 9001 Standard can help you to establish all the guidelines for your institutions and later how you will implement those guidelines and finally how those are working that can be measured according to the ISO 9001:2015 guidelines.

AAS has expert auditor’s panel who have been working in different sectors for long time in Bangladesh. They can help you to establishing and implementing ISO Standard’s guideline in your university. When you will claim that ISO guidelines have been implemented in your institute then CB auditor will perform audit before certification.

AAS has been working with the UK based ISO certification body for long time. So, if you are thinking to develop your university management system, then adopting ISO 9001 Standard can be the right decision for you. To get iso certification process and cost for the university you may visit this page to contact.