ISO Certification Meaning

What is the meaning of ISO Certification

ISO Certification is an attestation from a third party certification body that a company runs to one of of the international standards developed by Geneva based international Organization ISO. It can be achieved by an individual(to be an iso auditor) or for the product also.

iSO Certification is given to the company, an individual or for a product. Certification body issues iso certificate after completion some audits. So, before the attestation it is necessary for company, individual or product to pass those audits.

Each standard has some requirements. So, before face any audit by the body it is necessary to implement those requirements for a company or by individual or for the product manufacturer.

There is a lot of standards published by ISO. All of those standards are found in the ISO website store . You may collect copy of those standards from certification body too who already purchased the standards from the ISO store.

After purchasing or collecting the specific standard it should be studied by the company, individual or by the product manufacturer. It is important to know the standard requirements to get the attestation. In most of the cases company takes help from third party ISO Consultant to implement those standard requirements.

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