ISO Certification

ISO Certification in Bangladesh

What is ISO Certification?

ISO Certification means adapting iso standard in your organization. There are more than 19500 ISO Standards. ISO 9001,14001,45001,22000,13485,27001 are the most popular and widely used iso standards among others.

How to adapt ISO Standard?

To adapt ISO standard you will have to prepare specific standard based documents or instructions. Usually it can be done by hiring an ISO Consultant who has expertise on that specific standard. After completion the documentation and implementation status you will have to attend certification body audit. After completion CB(Certification Body) audit you will achieve ISO Certification.

Where to contact for ISO Certification?

You do not need to contact separately with iso consultant and ISO Certification Body. You can contact with any one. ISO Certification Body or consultant. He or they will guide you how to proceed for the ISO Certification process.

How long to adapt ISO Standard?

There is no specific time table for adapting ISO Standard. It fully depends on organization. How fast they can implement it throughout the processes of it’s organization.

ISO Certification Means

Many peoples search in google and other search engines about the phrase “ISO Certification Means”. This post will help them to get answer.

ISO Certification means a company is going to implement ISO any standard’s guidelines in its organization. It does not mean the company is very good or better than others.  No company can say he is fully maintaining quality in his production or services by mentioning ISO Certified company in the below of  title of the company name.

There  are around 19,600 ISO standards until now in Geneva based organization ISO. You can choose one among them. ISO 9001 is the most popular standard among others. Any type of organization and any kind of organization and any size of organization can adopt this standard in his organization to develop management system in his company.

Many people think ISO Certified means this company is good or the company provides good quality product or services to its customers. This is partially true not 100%. Because many companies take certificate only for publicity and meeting his buyer’s requirement only. They do not implement ISO standard’s requirements fully inside’s the company’s all processes.. Partially they may implement ISO standard’s guideline in his organization.

Very few companies implement the all requirements of any standard in his company. There are many causes of it like management negligence, staff’s negligence, lack of resources, lack of facilities, lack of availability of expert ISO consultant, unwillingness of company owners to spend money etc are the major obstacles to implement ISO standard requirements fully in any company.

However, ISO Certification means a company is trying to do at least some changes in his company. We will never say an ISO Certified and a non-iso certified company are same. It is true that at least 10-25% requirements are filled by an iso certified company in any country. So, we cannot say certified and non-certified are the same. At the same time we cannot say the iso certification means a company is very good.

The major barrier of implementation of ISO standard in any organization is unwillingness to spend money for certification or in ISO training. We can say ISO training which is major part before implement iso guidelines in any company. Most of the companies are not like to train his staffs by spending money. Simply they want certificate. So, without  training if any company takes certificate then that company will never be able to implement ISO guidelines in his company.

To implement iso requirements fully in your organization there is no alternative of ISO training. During certification contract at least two days training contract also may be contracted  to implement ISO guidelines properly. It may cost you extra 60-70 thousand Taka. This 60 thousand Taka will add extra value in your organization. It can bring limitless revenue for your organization. So, during certification contract the ISO training contract should be done too.

However, the main goal of ISO certification should be development of your management System. Suddenly it cannot be achieved. At least 3-6 years time is required to get taste of ISO Certification. Gradually you can implement ISO standard guidelines in your organization.

If you are manufacturing company then ISO guidelines can work fantastically. It can add many good guidelines in your production lines. Like reducing wastage, reducing production cost, on time delivery to the marker or to your  clients etc.

The most important benefit of ISO Certification is staff’s competence. Internal audit and External audits are performed by turns. This two options work like magic to change your staffs attention in production or in service delivery company.

So, we cannot deny the benefits of ISO Certification. There are lots of good guidelines are there. Just it is a matter of your speculation how will you implement that in your organization. So, ISO Certification Means is different to different companies.

See which standard is applicable for your organization from this post.