ISO Certification and Internal Audit

ISO Certification  and Internal Audit are closely related with each other. Without internal audit you cannot achieve iso certificate and you cannot hold your certificate without performing internal audit regularly.

There is few mandatory things for ISO certification. Before getting certification you will have to prepare ISO documents. After documentation and implementation you will  have to perform internal audit. It is must doing job. Usually two internal audits are done in a year.  However, It can be done in any frequency.

The clause number 9 of ISO 9001:2015 has told to measure the quality management system after implementation of standard requirements and after certification. Sub clause 9.2 told to perform internal audit to measure the performance of ISO standard. After performing internal audit the report should be submitted to the top management for review. So, ISO Certification and Internal Audit are very important terms.

What is Internal Audit?

Systematic, independent and documented process to finding fact and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.

How to Do Internal Audit?

There are few steps to perform audit. Audit team build up, Prepare Audit plan, Fixing Audit Scope, prepare Audit checklist and share plan to the auditees before audit date. In the  audit day there are also few steps like: opening meeting, onsite activities and finally closing meeting and report preparing.

Who Can Do Internal Audit?

To perform ISO internal audit, it is necessary to have internal auditor certificate or internal auditor training. Without internal auditor training you will  not understand how to do audit. If you think you have no trained internal audit then you can build up a team from your organization or you can hire a Certified internal auditor.

Why Internal Audit in ISO?

ISO Certification and Internal audit are strongly bonded with each other. Internal audit can be compared with a mirror. What are happening inside the organization, you can see it from the internal audit result. In the language of ISO it is also called the first party audit. It is mandatory for iso certification and iso certified company. From this first party audit you can check  different process within the scope.

Benefits of Internal Audit

There are lots of benefits of performing internal audit. It finds faults and gaps in the processes of your organization. It creates competence of your staffs. It creates honesty among the staffs. It reduces wastes in production. Finally it helps to grow your revenue.

How to find internal auditor?

There are few certification bodies who regularly arrange internal auditor training in Bangladesh. Like other training organization  Advanced Assessment Services provides internal auditor training regularly.  The best thing is it is free of cost if you are going to apply for ISO certification from AAS.  Selecting AAS as your certification body means you are saving money from ISO Certification and Internal audit.