ISO 9001 Standard Clauses Idea

ISO 9001 Standard is also known as Quality Management System Standard. It is the international guideline to mange your management system. It is the king of ISO Standards. There are many benefits of this most popular ISO standard 9001. So more than a million company around the world are adopting this ISO 9001 Standard. ISO 9001 Standard clauses idea will be found from this post.

Now let’s know what are in this standard. Actually all directions are here as clauses. There are total 8 main clauses, subclauses and sub-sub clauses in this ISO 9001 standards . In this post basic idea of all iso 9001 standard clauses idea will be found. major 5 clauses will be discussed only.

Clause 4:

General requirements have been discussed in this sub clause. including the process needed for quality management system and interaction of the different processes.

Documents related all informations will be found from this clause. Quality manual, Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, control of documents and control of records etc have been discussed in this clauses.

Clause 5:

Management responsibility has been described in this clause of ISO 9001standard. including Management commitment- Providing enough resources, participating in Management Review meeting, making and establishing quality policy and objective etc

Customer focus- The management must be customer focused.

How to establish Quality Policy

How to establish Quality Objective

How to do quality management system planning

Who will does what it will be written and defined for all management staffs. Management Representative should be employed and he will communicate with management for reporting about quality situation of the organization

Management Review Meeting(MRM)- It is one of the must doing things for management. Input and output of MRM has been described in this clause of ISO 9001 standards.

Clauses 6:

To manage a company what resources are necessary have been discussed in this clause. Employment of competent employees, arranging taring for employees, Infrastructure, ensuring good working environment etc are instructed in this clause.

Clause 7:

This is the main clause of iso9001 Standard. Production or service related all information and guideline are available from this standard. Planning of product, customer related process,design and development, purchasing,production and service provision, control of monitoring and measuring equipment etc has been discussed in this clause.

Clauses 8:

Measurement, analysis and improvement: Customer satisfaction, internal audit, control of nonconforming product, analysis of data, corrective action, preventive action etc have been discussed in this clause.

Those are the short description for the clauses and sub clauses of ISO 9001 Standard. Those are the summary of all clauses of ISO 9001 Standard. There are many sub and sub-sub clauses. To read details about all of those clauses of ISO 9001 Standard you will have to read the standard carefully. If you are international visitor then go to the page of iso head office to purchase ISO 9001 Standard.