ISO Certificate Logo Idea

ISO Certificate logo is an important part of ISO Certification. This logo can be used by the iso certified company. Usually in letter head pad, challan, money receipt, visiting card and in email signature. It increases company images and distinguishes from others.
There is some guidelines to use this ISO logo in the documents. You can use only certification body and accreditation body logo in your documents. You cannot use Geneva based iso head office logo in your documents. You cannot use also any iso forum logo like IAF, AMAF, or any other forum logo in your documents.
There is also guidelines for sizes of logos. Usually certification body helps you to maintain those logos sizes. After issuing your certificate normally you can download those logos from their site or they can send you soft copy of those ISO logos for different sizes.
There is another important guideline is that you cannot continuously use those ISO logos in your documents or in your website if those are expired already. In another word you cannot use any certification or accreditation body logos when your iso certificates have expired already.
The ISO logo is the attestation of your company management that you are in practice of developing your processes folowing the ISO specific standard. If your certificate is expired that means you are out of control from Certification body who has issued certificate for your management for the specific standard.
Each certificate has an expiry date which are mentioned in the certificate. If that date exceeds then you have no right to use that logo any more. In that case you will have to remove that logo from your documents or from your website. It is illegal to use that logo in your company documents.
However, if you want to continuation of using ISO Logos in your documents then of course you will have to attend in recertification audit before ending expiry date. Usually two months before you should start the recertification process to avoid unexpected deletaion of ISO Logos from your documents.